Introduction 1
Lucent Technologies Model 3000 UPS Operator's Manual (167Ć405Ć119 Issue 3)
Battery Times for the UPS and BIM
During a power failure, the UPS battery supplies power to your equipment,
providing time to complete computing activities prior to UPS shutdown. The
duration of this time period is directly related to the UPS battery configuration. By
adding battery modules, you can customize the UPS to provide enough battery time
for normal processing activities.
Average Battery Time (in Minutes)
at .7 PF*
1 Module 2 Modules 3 Modules
600 420 36.8 88 146
800 560 27.6 66 110
1200 840 18.4 44 73
1600 1120 13.7 33 54
2000 1400 10.7 26 42
2500 1750 8.3 20 33
3000 2100 6.5 16 27
*Typical Power Factor (PF)
Battery Times for the UPS with BDM
Average Battery Time (in Minutes)
1 Module 2 Modules 3 Modules
600 402 36.8 88 146
800 533 27.6 66 110
1200 800 18.4 44 73
1600 1067 13.7 33 54
2000 1333 10.7 26 42
2500 1667 8.3 20 33
3000 2000 6.5 16 27
NOTE If using an EBC, refer to the EBC manual for approximate battery times.