Lucent Technologies Model 3000 UPS Operator's Manual (167Ć405Ć119 Issue 3)
Systems That Require Contact Closure
1 This system has been set for the default alarm configuration. For
installations that require contact closures, rather than a serial interface, set
the system for the AS/400 configuration as described in the manual shipped
with this product.
The AS/400 configuration provides alarms, which are normally open when
the alarm is not present and closed when an alarm occurs. This
configuration does not have serial output.
2 Connect the alarm adapter to the unit's RSĆ232 port and the modular
output to the computer, wallfield, etc. through an 8Ćpin modular plug.
Comcode PEC
For 3B2 systems, use: 406707737 24024
For all other systems, use: 407691401 24433
Systems That Require a Serial Interface
1 Refer to the manual shipped with the product to configure the system for
the appropriate serial interface.
2 The alarm information is provided by the unit's RSĆ232 connector via the
serial output pins and does not require an adapter/interface.
UPS with Bypass Module Installation
The Bypass Module is available in a 60ĆHz Distribution Module or a 50ĆHz Isolation
Module, each with a plug/receptacle or hardwired option. The Bypass Modules have
a Maintenance Bypass feature that supplies power to your equipment even when the
UPS electronics are removed for maintenance or upgrades. The Bypass Distribution
Module also provides 120V output.
Use the following procedure to install the UPS with a Bypass Module:
1 Place the UPS near the equipment to be protected. Make sure the UPS is
well ventilated and away from direct sunlight or other heat source.
Do not place more than three battery modules in one stack. The modules
must be stacked in the correct order (Figure 3 shows the Distribution
Module and Figure 4 shows the Isolation Module).
NOTE You can install additional battery modules while the UPS is operating, but make
sure the UPS is not in Battery Mode (see page 39).