5: Commands and Levels
Clears the IPv6 default gateway.
Clears the name of the primary DNS server.
Clears the name of the secondary DNS server.
Sets the IP address of the primary DNS server.
Sets the IP address of the secondary DNS server.
Displays the current configuration.
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current
CLI session.
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
ip (config-ip) level commands
Restores the default IP time to live.
default multicast time to live
Restores the default IP multicast time to live, which is one
Exits to the configuration level.
Sets the IP time to live, known by SNMP as
<hops> = number of hops that a typical IP packet is al-
multicast time to live <hops>
Sets the IP multicast time to live.
<hops> = number of hops that a multicast IP packet is
Displays the current configuration.
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current
CLI session.
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
line 1 (line:1) level commands
Continuously displays line statistics.
baud rate <bits per second>
<bits per second> = the speed.
Standard speeds include 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,
and so on.
Sets the serial counters to zero.
Sets the current line to always be in command mode.
command mode echo serial string disable
Disables user-defined serial boot string to be echoed in
the CLI.
command mode echo serial string enable
Enables user-defined serial boot string to be echoed in
the CLI.
command mode serial string
Enables user to enter a custom string at boot time to enter
command mode.
command mode serial string <string>
Sets a string that can be entered at boot time to enter
command mode.
<string> = text with possible binary characters.
Within [] use binary decimal up to 255 or hex up to 0xFF.
Within {} specify decimal milliseconds time delay.
XPort® Pro Lx6 Embedded Device Server Command Reference 77