Cake: Sour
Chocolate Tea
Setting 8: Cake
Miik, low[at
Sour Cream
EggSr Ig.
room letup.
Granulated Sugar
Brown Sugar,
U ebleached All
Purpose Flour
Baking Powder
Baking Soda
Vanilla Extract
Chocolate Chips
Chopped Walnuts
Dried Tart Cherries
2 Ib, Loaf 1.5 lb. Loaf 1.0 lb. Loaf
6 Tbsp.
1/3 cup
6 tbsp,
_:_cup +2 Tbsp.
!iz tsp,
_A tsp.
lj:_ tsp.
_/:, tsp.
113 cup
_A cup
3 Tbsp,
Place ingredients in order listed ir_bread pan fitled wilh kneading blade. Place pan in bread
maker, Select setting # 8for Cake, The Bread Maker will automatically select 1,OLb, loaf.
Press start It des red you rr ay remove he kneading blade when the uni beeps) 6rimes,
repealed 3 times. When cycle is completed, remove lea loaf and transfer' _owi_e _ack [o cool
Gluten Free:
Gluten-Free Loaf
Setting 9:
Gluten Free 2 Ib, Loaf 1,5 lb. Loaf 1.0 lb. Loaf
Lowfat Milk, 1 _ cups 1 _,'_cups .....
80 - 90F
Olive Oil 3 Tbsp. 2 Tbsp. -....
Eggs, large. 2 2 ......
at room temp,
Honey 3 Tbsp. 2 Tbsp. ----
Cider Vinegar 1 tsp, _,:_tsp, -.....
Salt 1 !,'_ tsp. 1 Isp. -....
Brown Rice Flour 2 cups 1 _/_cups ......
Potato Starch 1 cup _:_cup ......
Tapioca Flour t,_ cup 1/3 cup ......
Gartava Flour t_ cup 2 Tbsp. -.....
Guinoa Flour _, cup 2 Tbsp, -----
Xanthan gum 2 _':_tsp. 2 tsp. -.....
Geiatin _ tsp. !._tsp .......
Shredded 1/3 cup + 2 Tbsp. !4 cup ......
Provolone cheese
Mozzarella 1/3 cup + 2 Tbsp. ;_ cup .....
Palmesan !4 cup 2 Tbep. -....
Active Dry Yeast 2 !,4 Lsp. 2 I:_tsp, -....
Add the m Ik, oi, eggs, honey and cider vinegar _o the bread pan fitted with the kneading
blade. Sttt the remainin_ ingredJenls together, eĆcept for the yeast, Ena separaie mixing
bowl to incorporate, andthen add to the bread pan, Add yeast to the bread pan last, Place
pan in breed maker. Select setting # 9 for Gluten Free, Choose Crust color and loaf size,
then press Stad button, While the dough is kneading, sclape the sides of the bread pan
wilh a rubber spatula to fully incorporate ingredients. If desired you may rel:qove the kneading
blade when the unit beeps 6 times, repeated 3 times, When cycle is completed, remove bread
and transfer Io wire rack tocool.