
Jam: Strawberry
Rhubarb Jam ..........
Setting 12: Jam
1Lb, fresh
strawberries. 1/3 cup packed
stemmed and Brown Sugar
quallered or halved
12 ounces flosh !:_cup
rhubarb, cut in powdered pectin
1/2@. slices
2/3 cup granulated l,_ tsp, ground
Sugar cinnamon
Place hail the straw'berdes in a bawl with 1/'3cup of the sugar. Use m potalo masher or fork
to mash roughly - mixture should be slightly chunk,,! with some liquid. Add remainPlg
ingredients and stir Io corrlbine. Trarls[er to [be bread pan f_t[edwith kneading blade. Place
the bread pan irl the bread maker, select # 12 setting, Jarn. Press Stair. Sclape the sides
o[ the pan at5 and 10 minutes into lhe cycle.
When cycle is complete, transfer jam to clean jars, Let cool, then ¢oveq and retfigerate,
Keeps i_1refrigerator for 4 to 6weeks.
Fast Bake:
Fast Bake
Corn Loaf
Fast Bake 2 lb. Loaf 1,5 Ib, Loaf 1.0 Ibo Loaf
Canned Crearn Corn --- 7;8 cup ---
Lowlal Milk --- 1i3 cup --
Unsalted butler,
in small pieces. --- 4 _,'_tsp. --
room temp.
Granulated sugal .... 1 _,,_.tsp.
Salt --- "_(,tsp, --
Bread FIot_i .... 2 2/3 cups
Yellow Cornmeal -- !_ cup + 1 Tbsp, ---
Vllal wheat gluten ...... 3 tap .....
Active Dry'feast --- 3 tsp, --
Combine corn, milk and butter and '_arm to 1O0_R Place ingredients in order listed in
bread pan titled with kneading blade. Place pall in bread makel. Select # 13 Jar Past B_._&e.
Press Start. When cycle is completed _eillove darn blend pan and allow to cool for 1 hour
or keep in bread maker in bread pan on the Keep Warm function for 60 min, After Keep
Warm lunctlon, allow to cool for 20 m]nules before curling.
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