
5. Start Button
Press to begin the programmed baking cycle.
6. Stop I Pause Button (see Fig. 3)
Use this button to pause the program for adding ingredients, or to canceI the entire
program. Press button, add extra ingredients, theR push the Start batten to resume.
To cancel a program, press and hold Stop / Pause button for about 3 seconds
until unit stops.
7. Fast Bake Button (see Fig. 3)
This cycle comes in handy when you cannot plan ahead for bread making.
The Fast Bake feature allows you bake bread in about an hour,
8. Delay StartTimer Buttons-
Plus and Minus (see Fig. 3)
Use these buttons to program bread to be baked at a delayed time, (up to 12 hours).
The delay timer witl not work on the "Fast Bake" program, it is also not
recommended for the dough, am or gluten free settings. Set the timer to1 how
much time you want to pass before the bread is completed. For example, if it is
8:00 pm and you want bread to be ready at 7:00 am, you set the delay timer for
11 hours. The Bread Maker then calculates when it has to come on.
NOTE: Do not use perishable ingredients in the Delay Start mode, such as milk,
eggs, cheese and yogurt. You can also use these buttons to adjust the time on any
program. They adjust up and down in I0 minute increments. This must be done
before the unit begins operation.
Pig. 3
Slop /
Sta rt T[rtler
The foIIowieg program settings will make is easy for you to make a great variety of breads
and fruit jams. For each selected setting, the baking time has been preprogrammed. The
recipes provided on pages 13-21 will help you determine which program setting you should
use. NOTE: These timings ere for a Medium Crust. Timing will vary somewhat depending
on the crust color you select.
Rapid Whi_e 2
Whole Wheat 3
Rapid 4
Whole Whea_
French 5
Swee_ 5
Quick Bread 7
Cak_ S
Gk;ien Free
1!: _iours 10
ds_ Lirne
5:;, Io r" " 11
nse lime
1hr.25 mLn. 12
cook t,mo
Exlra Bake 13
Fast eak,u BEJftOn
Program 1.0 Lb
Menu #
1 3:05
1.5 Lb 2.0Lb
3:10 2"15
2:45 2150
4:25 4:30
2:39 2:44
3;36 3:_0
3122 3:25
2:S4 2:59
You canu.te lhl_ setting lor rnostrecipes that
usewhile )]our
Quicklv bakes loaves ofbread made wi_h
whd_ilo_r. Recipes rnus_userapid-rise yeast
Use !_ bre_ real c_rll_ns a large _mounto[whel_
wh.-at flou_ Thisse_hnghas alonger r,sec_cte
Ouickly bakes Ioav_s ot breadmadew_thwhole
wheal g_ur,Recipe,_mu,_t_'e rapid-rise yeast
Bakes h_ead_ thin crust _ndIlghl le_ure
Bakes bleed thal conl_d%higher amounls ot
sugar a¢d eggs,which tend Loincreasemuwning
Bakes breadthal conta_n_baking _owder
aake,_yeast _readwith _ngredI_n_oLherthan
lhos_ containing_h_at oro_ner _lu_en
Preparesdoughthat c_n thenbeshaped t_
ma_e cofle_ cakes, r_lls,pizza and oth_rbr_ad_
and baked in aconventional oven
Several long. slow cooler r_ses lo enhance 1he
*" textu_0, tas eand crusl i_ ff_o final product.
Punch down for 10 sec. slier 3rd nse.
This setting is formaking ;ares from flesh lrult.
The blade aulomahcally _tirs the co_[ents
Ih[aug_out the cook time
Adds extra tim_ in 1omlnut_ i_cr_me_ts.
Add time before cyclebugms
_ Suitable far white bread recipes made with rapid
d_e yeast. The_a s_ead_ ate best consumed wit hit)
2 hours after pr_ganng.
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