Self-diagnosis Outline
The self-diagnosis system has two modes and can be
switched to another mode.
same time for 3 seconds or more.
Push either “SET” or “MODE” button for more than
one second or more.
User Mode
This is a standard mode and enters automatically after
ignition switch ON. The ECU notifies the rider of troubles
in DFI system and ignition system by flashing LED warn-
ing light [A], the FI indicator [B] and “FI” character [C] when
DFI system and ignition system parts are faulty, and initiates
fail-safe function. The buzzer sound goes on. In case of se-
rious troubles ECU stops the injection/ignition/starter motor
operation. The buzzer sound can be stopped by pushing
either “SET” or “MODE” button.
Dealer Mode
The LCD in the meter unit displays service code charac-
ter [A] to show the problem(s) which the DFI system and
ignition system has at the moment of diagnosis.
To enter the dealer mode push the “SET” button [B] with
“MODE” button [C] for 3 seconds or more.
Read the service code character in the LCD display. Re-
fer to the “Service Code (Character) Table” in the following
To return the user mode push either “SET” or “MODE”
button for one second or more.
The service code character(s) will not be shown on the
LCD in the meter unit after the problems are solved.