3) When you do not use the watercraft for months:
Give a refresh charge before you store the watercraft and store it with the negative lead re-
moved. Give a refresh charge once a month during storage.
4) Battery life:
If the battery will not start the engine even after several refresh charges, the battery has ex-
ceeded its useful life. Replace it (Provided, however, the watercraft’s starting system has no
Keep the battery away from sparks and open flames during charging, since the battery
gives off an explosive gas mixture of hydrogen and oxygen. When using a battery charger,
connect the battery to the charger before turning on the charger.
This procedure prevents sparks at the battery terminals which could ignite any battery
No fire should be drawn near the battery, or no terminals should have the tightening loos-
The electrolyte contains sulfuric acid. Be careful not to have it touch your skin or eyes. If
touched, wash it off with liberal amount of water. Get medial attention if severe.
A sealed battery can fully display its performance only when combined with a proper watercraft
electric system. Therefore, replace a sealed battery only on watercraft which was originally equipped
with a sealed battery.
Be careful, if a sealed battery is installed on watercraft which had an ordinary battery as original
equipment, the sealed battery’s life will be shortened.
Charging Condition Inspection
Refer to Battery Charging Condition Inspection in the Pe-
riodic Maintenance chapter.
Refreshing Charge
Remove the battery [A] (see Battery Removal).
Refresh-charge by following method according to the bat-
tery terminal voltage.
This battery is sealed type. Never remove the
strip of cap [B] even at charging. Never add water.
Charge with current and time as stated below.
Terminal Voltage: 11.5 ∼ less than 12.6 V
Standard Charge: 1.8 A × 5 ∼ 10 h (see following chart)
Quick Charge:
9.0 A × 1.0 h
If possible, do not quick charge. If the quick charge
is done due to unavoidable circumstances, do stan-
dard charge later on.
Terminal Voltage : less than 11.5 V
Charging Method: 1.8 A × 20 h