Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Check that the battery terminals [B] are not corroded.
If necessary, remove the battery (see Electrical System
chapter) and clean the terminals and cable ends using a
solution of baking soda and water.
After attaching both cables, coat the terminals and cable
ends with grease to prevent corrosion.
Install the battery (see Electrical System chapter).
Spark Plug Cleaning and Inspection
Seat (see Hull/Engine Hood chapter)
Spark Plug Caps
Remove the spark plugs using the 16 mm plug wrench
Owner’s Tool - Spark Plug Wrench, 16 mm: 92110-1145
Clean the spark plug, preferably in a sandblasting device,
and then clean off any abrasive particles. The plug may
also be cleaned using a high-flash point solvent and a wire
brush or other tool.
If the spark plug center electrode [A] and/or side elec-
trode [B] are corroded or damaged, or if the insulator [C]
is cracked, replace the plug. Use the standard spark plug
or its equivalent.
Measure the gaps [D] with a wire-type thickness gauge.
If the gap is incorrect, carefully bend the side electrode
with a tool to obtain the correct gap.
Spark Plug Gap: 0.7 ∼ 0.8 mm (0.028 ∼ 0.031 in.)
spark plug installed in the plug wrench [A].
Owner’s Tool - Spark Plug Wrench, 16 mm: 92110-1145
To rque - Spark Plugs: 13 N·m (1.3 kgf·m, 113 in·lb)
As in all marine craft, adequate lubrication and corrosion
protection is an absolute necessity to provide long, reliable
service. Refer to the Periodic Maintenance Chart for the
frequency of the following items: