
The z/VM hypervisor is designed to help clients extend the
business value of mainframe technology across the enter-
prise by integrating applications and data while providing
exceptional levels of availability, security, and operational
ease. z/VM virtualization technology is designed to provide
the capability for clients to run hundreds to thousands of
Linux servers in a single mainframe, together with other
System z operating systems such as z/OS, or as a large-
scale Linux-only enterprise-server solution. z/VM V5.4 can
also help to improve productivity by hosting non-Linux
workloads such as z/OS, z/VSE, and z/TPF.
August 5, 2008, IBM announced z/VM 5.4. Enhancements
in z/VM 5.4 include:
Increased fl exibility with support for new z/VM-mode
logical partitions
Dynamic addition of memory to an active z/VM LPAR
by exploiting System z dynamic storage-reconfi guration
Enhanced physical connectivity by exploiting all OSA-
Express3 ports
Capability to install Linux on System z from the HMC
without requiring an external network connection
Enhancements for scalability and constraint relief
Operation of the SSL server in a CMS environment
Systems management enhancements for Linux and
other virtual images
For the most current information on z/VM, refer to the z/VM
Web site at http://www.vm.ibm.com.
z/VSE 4.1, the latest advance in the ongoing evolution of
VSE, is designed to help address needs of VSE clients
with growing core VSE workloads and/or those who wish
to exploit Linux on System z for new, Web-based business
solutions and infrastructure simplifi cation.
z/VSE 4.1 is designed to support:
z/Architecture mode only
64-bit real addressing and up to 8 GB of processor
System z encryption technology including CPACF, con-
fi gurable Crypto Express2, and TS1120 encrypting tape
Midrange Workload License Charge (MWLC) pricing,
including full-capacity and sub-capacity options
IBM has previewed z/VSE 4.2. When available, z/VSE 4.2
is designed to help address the needs of VSE clients with
growing core VSE workloads. z/VSE V4.2 is designed to
More than 255 VSE tasks to help clients grow their CICS
workloads and to ease migration from CS/VSE to CICS
Transaction Server for VSE/ESA
Up to 32 GB of processor storage
Sub-Capacity Reporting Tool running “natively”
Encryption Facility for z/VSE as an optional priced feature
IBM System Storage TS3400 Tape Library (via the
TS1120 Controller)
IBM System Storage TS7740 Virtualization Engine
Release 1.3
z/VSE V4.2 plans to continue the focus on hybrid solutions
exploiting z/VSE and Linux on System z, service-oriented
architecture (SOA), and security. It is the preferred replace-
ment for z/VSE V4.1, z/VSE V3, or VSE/ESA. It is designed
to protect and leverage existing VSE information assets.
z/TPF is a 64-bit operating system that allows you to move
legacy applications into an open development environ-
ment, leveraging large scale memory spaces for increased
diagnostics and functionality. The open develop-
ment environment allows access to commodity skills and