
IBM System z10 Business Class (z10 BC)
In today’s world, IT is woven in to almost everything that
a business does and consequently is pivotal to a busi-
ness. Yet technology leaders are challenged to manage
sprawling, complex distributed infrastructures and the ever
growing fl ow of data while remaining highly responsive to
the demands of the business. And they must continually
evaluate and decide when and how to adopt a multitude
of innovations to keep the company competitive. IBM has
a vision that can help—the Dynamic Infrastructure
evolutionary model that helps reset the economics of IT
and can dramatically improve operational effi ciency. It also
can help reduce and control rising costs and improve pro-
visioning speed and data center security and resiliency—at
any scale. It will allow you to be highly responsive to any
user need. And it aligns technology and business—giving
you the freedom and the tools you need to innovate and be
competitive. IBM System z
is an excellent choice as the
foundation for a highly responsive infrastructure.
New world. New business. A whole new mainframe. Meet
the IBM System z10
Business Class
(z10 BC), the tech-
nology that could change the way you think about Enter-
prise solutions. The technology that delivers the scalability,
fl exibility, virtualization, and breakthrough performance
you need—at the lower capacity entry point you want.
This is the technology that fi ghts old myths and percep-
tions—that’s not just for banks and insurance companies.
This is the technology for any business that wants to ramp
up innovation, boost effi ciencies and lower costs—pretty
much any enterprise, any size, any location. This is a
mainframe technology for a new kind of data center—resil-
ient, responsive, energy effi cient—this is z10
BC. And
it’s about to rewrite the rules and deliver new freedoms for
your business. Whether you want to deploy new applica-
tions quickly, grow your business without growing IT costs
or consolidate your infrastructure for reduced complexity,
look no further—
z Can Do IT
Think Big, Virtually Limitless
The Information Technology industry has recognized the
business value of exploiting virtualization technologies on
any and all server platforms. The leading edge virtualization
capabilities of System z, backed by over 40 years of tech-
nology innovation, are the most advanced in the industry.
With utilization rates of up to 100%, it’s the perfect platform
for workload consolidation, both traditional and new.
Want to deploy dozens—or hundreds—of applications
on a single server for lower total cost of ownership? Want
a more simplifi ed, responsive infrastructure?
Want investment protection where new generation tech-
nology typically allows application growth at no extra
The virtualization technology found in z/VM
with the
System z platform may help clients achieve all of these
operational goals while also helping to maximize the fi nan-
cial return on their System z investments.
The z10 BC
can have big advantages over traditional
server farms. The z10 BC is designed to reduce energy
usage and save fl oor space when used to consolidate x86
servers. With increased capacity the z10 BC virtualization
capabilities can help to support hundreds of virtual servers
in a single 1.42 square meters footprint. When consolidat-
ing on System z you can create virtual servers on demand;
achieve network savings through HiperSockets
LAN); improve systems management of virtual servers;
and most importantly, consolidate software from many dis-
tributed servers to a single consolidated server.
So why run hundreds of standalone servers when z10 BC
could do the work more effi ciently, in a smaller space, at a
lower cost, virtually? Less power. Less space. Less impact
on the environment.