
The System z10 BC is designed to provide balanced
system performance. From processor storage to the
system’s I/O and network channels, end-to-end bandwidth
is provided and designed to deliver data where and when
it is needed.
The processor subsystem is comprised of one CPC, which
houses the processor units (PUs), Storage Controllers
(SCs), memory, Self-Time-Interconnects (STI)/Infi niBand
(IFB) and Oscillator/External Time Reference (ETR). The
z10 BC design provides growth paths up to a 10 engine
system where each of the 10 PUs has full access to all
system resources, specifi cally memory and I/O.
The z10 BC uses the same processor chip as the z10 EC,
relying only on 3 out of 4 functional cores per chip. Each
chip is individually packaged in an SCM. Four SCMs will
be plugged in the processor board providing the 12 PUs
for the design. Clock frequency will be 3.5 GHz.
There are three active cores per PU, an L1 cache divided
into a 64 KB cache for instructions and a 128 KB cache for
data. Each PU also has an L1.5 cache. This cache is 3 MB
in size. Each L1 cache has a Translation Look-aside Buffer
(TLB) of 512 entries associated with it. The PU, which uses
a high-frequency z/Architecture microprocessor core, is
built on CMOS 11S chip technology and has a cycle time
of approximately 0.286 nanoseconds.
The PU chip includes data compression and crypto-
graphic functions. Hardware data compression can play a
signifi cant role in improving performance and saving costs
over doing compression in software. Standard clear key
cryptographic processors right on the processor translate
to high-speed cryptography for protecting data in storage,
integrated as part of the PU.
Speed and precision in numerical computing are important
for all our customers. The z10 BC offers improvements
for decimal fl oating point instructions, because each z10
processor chip has its own hardware decimal fl oating
point unit, designed to improve performance over that
provided by the System z9. Decimal calculations are often
used in fi nancial applications and those done using other
fl oating point facilities have typically been performed by
software through the use of libraries. With a hardware
decimal fl oating point unit some of these calculations may
be done directly and accelerated.
The design of the z10 BC provides the fl exibility to con-
fi gure the PUs for different uses; There are 12 PUs per
system, two are designated as System Assist Processors
(SAPs) standard per system. The remaining 10 PUs are
available to be characterized as either CPs, ICF proces-
sors for Coupling Facility applications, or IFLs for Linux
applications and z/VM hosting Linux as a guest, System
z10 Application Assist Processors (zAAPs), System z10
Integrated Information Processors (zIIPs) or as optional
SAPs and provide you with tremendous fl exibility in estab-
lishing the best system for running applications.
The z10 BC can support from the 4 GB minimum memory
up to 248 GB of available real memory per server for grow-
ing application needs. A new 8 GB fi xed HSA which is
managed separately from customer memory. This fi xed
HSA is designed to improve availability by avoiding out-
ages that were necessary on prior models to increase its
size. There are up to 12 I/O interconnects per system at 6
GBps each.
The z10 BC supports a combination of Memory Bus
Adapter (MBA) and Host Channel Adapter (HCA) fanout
cards. New MBA fanout cards are used exclusively for
ICB-4. New ICB-4 cables are needed for z10 BC. The
Infi niBand Multiplexer (IFB-MP) card replaces the Self-
z10 BC Design and Technology