Symptom-to-FRU index 123
00019701 (Microprocessor
1 failed BIST)
1. Microprocessor 1
2. System Board
00019702 (Microprocessor 2
failed BIST)
1. Microprocessor 2
2. System Board
(No room for PCI option
1. Run Configuration/Setup
2. Failing Adapter
3. System Board
(No more I/O space available
for PCI adapter)
1. Run Configuration/Setup
2. Failing Adapter
3. System Board
(No more memory (above
1MB for PCI adapter)
1. Run Configuration/Setup
2. Failing Adapter
3. System Board
(No more memory (below
1MB for PCI adapter)
1. Run Configuration/Setup
2. Failing Adapter
3. System Board
(PCI option ROM checksum
1. Remove Failing PCI Card
2. System Board
(PCI device built-in self test
1. Run Configuration/Setup
2. Failing Adapter
3. System Board
00180700 (xxxxyyyy planar
PCI device not responding
(where xxxx is PCI vendor ID
and yyyy is PCI device ID)
1. System Board
2. PCI Card
00180800(Unsupported PCI
device installed)
1. System Board
2. PCI Card
00181000 (PCI error) 1. System Board
2. PCI Card
01295085 (ECC
checking hardware test error)
1. System Board
2. Microprocessor
01298001 (No
update data for
microprocessor 1)
1. Ensure all microprocessors are the same stepping level and cache size.
2. Microprocessor 1
01298002 (No
update data for
microprocessor 2)
1. Ensure all microprocessors are the same stepping level and cache size.
2. Microprocessor 2
01298101 (Bad
update data for
microprocessor 1)
1. Ensure all microprocessors are the same stepping level and cache size.
2. Microprocessor 1
01298102 (Bad
update data for
microprocessor 2)
1. Ensure all microprocessors are the same stepping level and cache size.
2. Microprocessor 2
Error Code/Symptom FRU/Action