Symptom-to-FRU index 117
Error symptoms
217-XXX-001 (Failed BIOS
Fixed Disk test)
Note: If RAID is
configured, the fixed
disk number refers to
the RAID logical
1. Fixed Disk 2
217-XXX-002 (Failed BIOS
Fixed Disk test)
Note: If RAID is
configured, the fixed
disk number refers to
the RAID logical
1. Fixed Disk 3
264-XXX-0NN (NN
= SCSI ID of failing Tape
1. Tape Cartridge, if user executed the Read/Write Tape Drive test (XXX = 256)
2. SCSI or power cable connected to the tape drive with SCSI ID NN
3. Tape drive with SCSI ID NN – refer to Help and Service Information appendix of
tape drive’s User Guide.
4. I/O Legacy Board or SCSI Controller – run SCSI Controller diagnostic to
determine of SCSI bus is functioning properly.
264-XXX-999 (Errors on
multiple tape drives, see error
text for more info)
1. See error messages/text in the PC Doctor error log for detailed information on
each individual tape drive error.
301-XXX-000 (Failed
Keyboard test)
1. Keyboard
405-XXX-000 (Failed
Ethernet test on controller on
the System Board)
1. Verify that Ethernet is not disabled in BIOS.
2. System Board
405-XXX-00N (Failed
Ethernet test on adapter in
PCI slot N)
1. Adapter in PCI slot N.
2. System Board
415-XXX-000 (Failed
Modem test)
1. Cable
2. Modem
3. System Board
General FRU/Action
CD is not working properly. 1. Clean the CD.
2. Run CD-ROM diagnostics.
3. CD-ROM Drive
CD-ROM drive tray is not
(The server must be
1. Insert the end of a paper clip into the manual tray-release opening.
2. Run CD-ROM diagnostics.
3. CD-ROM Drive
Error Code/Symptom FRU/Action