
Example 2
.DEFINE > prot green
.DEFINE < unprot underline white
.DEFINE + var service.
.DEFINE % skip turq
.PANEL service
> Panel service &disp_date &companyname
% &salutation
% Tab the cursor to the type of service wanted and press the ENTER key.
<+> Itemized tax preparation
<+> Non-itemized tax preparation
<+> Query return status
<+> Show calendar
<+> Exit
Example 3
.DEFINE # protect bright
.DEFINE + protect
A panel to display a static message without erasing previous panel.
Notice the position of the escape sequence in lines 1 and 6.
See manual for an explanation about escape sequences.
.PANEL msgbox1
#| |+
#| We are sorry but the service you have |+
#| chosen is not available at this time. |+
#| Press ENTER to continue. |+
#| |+
Panel Facility
Chapter 24. REXX/CICS Panel Facility 311