If you specify data, after the old value has been retrieved storage starting at address is overwritten with
data (the length argument has no effect on this).
Note: The STORAGE function can operate on storage above the 16MB line.
Warning: The STORAGE function, which allows a REXX user to display and/or modify the virtual storage
of the CICS region, can only be successfully invoked from an authorized exec or by an authorized user.
/* Note that the following results vary from system to system. */
/* This returns 32 bytes of storage at hex address 200000 as a result. */
SYSSBA ( row , col )
SYSSBA converts screen row,col to a set buffer address (SBA).
specifies the row number counting from the top of the screen.
specifies the column number (counting from the left of the screen).
x = SYSSBA(10,20)
This example returns a three byte set buffer address for screen row 10, column 20 into REXX variable x.
Note: The SYSSBA function queries the terminal model on each invocation and uses this to adjust the
SBA calculation to terminal type.
Chapter 14. Functions 201