
117 Variable value was too long and was truncated to fit output field
118 Text field was truncated. Check to see if explicit length did not force a subsequent field to overlay
another field.
119 Bad or missing panel command. It should be SEND, RECEIVE, CONVERSE, TEST, or END.
122 A modified field was received but it had no corresponding input field definition.
124 Empty received buffer. Clear, ENTER, and the PA keys will cause this.
125 File name is invalid
126 Field identifier for the ATTRIBUTE keyword was not found in the panel.
129 Too many arguments supplied with the command
130 SEND must be performed before a RECEIVE
131 Panel source has no panel definition. '.PANEL' was probably not in column 1 or did not have a
space after.
132 Keyword encountered is unknown
133 DROP asked for a control character not presently active
136 Continuation is in effect but end of source was encountered
137 Row or column specified is too large for the current display CURSOR() or POSITION() the likely
source of error.
138 Variable identifier control character was being defined and more than one stem name was listed.
139 More variable fields defined than listed in the control character definition.
140 Explicit input field value caused field to go past screen end
143 Panel name in file does not match the panel name in the panel runtime command.
144 Panel has more rows than the present screen allows
145 Panel has more columns than the present screen allows
State Codes and Input Codes
For return code 10 the reason code (in PAN.REA) has a special meaning. It consists of two 2-digit numeric
codes, the first number stating what keyword is being processed (state code) and the second number
stating the input that caused the error condition (input code). Use the location code (in PAN.LOC) to
determine which state code list and input code list to use.
For example:
PAN.REA = 0199
PAN.LOC = 1177
When you use the state code and input code lists for the 11xx location codes, the keyword being
processed was .DEFINE for state code 01 and the input code contained an unknown symbol for input
code 99.
State codes
State codes for 11xx location codes:
01 .DEFINE and control char
02 field type (protect/skip/unprotect)
03 color (red/blue/green/...)
04 Intensity (bright/normal/invisible)
05 Justify (left/right/nojustify)
Panel Facility