5. Schedule the installation of electrical wiring and outlets.
6. Ensure that required host system updates are installed.
7. Begin installing and testing the Advanced Function Presentation licensed
programs and updates on the host system.
Step Three–Review Progress of Site Preparation
1. Review site-preparation progress with the IBM installation planning
2. Ensure that the electrical wiring and outlets are being installed on schedule.
3. Ensure that the attachment lines and equipment is being installed on
Step Four–Ensure that Site Preparation is Complete
1. Ensure that installation and testing of electrical wiring and outlet is
2. Ensure that all site preparation activity is complete.
3. Gather information for the configuration work sheets in Chapter 5,
“Configuring the 3130” on page 25 and schedule an NCP Generation if
Before the customer engineer can install the 3130, you must
complete a configuration worksheet for the attachment you plan to
use. Completing the attachment worksheets usually requires input from
the personnel responsible for network and device driver configuration.
For detailed worksheets, instructions, and examples, refer to
InfoPrint 60; 3130, 3160, and 3935 Advanced Function Printer:
Attachment Configuration Handbook
, S544-3977. If you do not have a
copy of the handbook, ask your marketing representative to obtain one
for you. Information is also available on the Internet at
Step Five–Arrival of the 3130
1. Contact the customer engineer and arrange to have the 3130 installed.
2. Arrange to have the 3130 attached to the host system.
3. Complete tests of the Advanced Function Presentation licensed programs,
including the IBM-supplied installation verification procedures.
Additional Planning Tasks
Here are some other issues to consider before you install the 3130:
Training. Who will need training on the 3130 and AFP? Who will conduct the
training sessions? When will training be scheduled?
Implementation. How will the 3130 be phased into production? Which
applications will use the 3130 first?
Chapter 2. Planning Overview 11