dots. When printing, ink adheres only to the dots, and
many dots close together appear solid. This method
prints large areas of ink on paper but uses much less
ink than printing the same area with solid ink.
security paper. Specially formulated paper used for
negotiable documents, such as checks, which improves
the anti-fraud characteristics of the document.
sense byte. A byte that contains sense (exception)
sense data. Sense information used to indicate the
causes of command-stream and device exceptions and
to direct the host program to the appropriate
exception-recovery actions.
service representative. The person responsible for
installing and repairing the printer. Synonymous with
customer engineer.
sheet. In reference to paper, a single sheet may be
printed on one side (simplex) or both sides (duplex).
simplex printing. Printing on one side of a sheet of
paper. Contrast with
duplex printing
single-byte coded font. A font in which the characters
are defined by one byte A single-byte coded font has
only one coded-font section. Contrast with
coded font
sizing. A process where paper is treated to give it
resistance against penetration of liquids.
special-purpose materials. Printable items other than
blank forms; for example, adhesive labels and
preprinted forms.
SPX. Sequenced Packet eXchange. A Novell, Inc.
communication protocol that monitors network
transmissions to ensure successful delivery of data
packets to the destination. Contrast with
SRC. See system reference code.
stacker. A device used to hold paper or other media;
usually used to refer to the output device of a printer.
stack lean. A measurable slope from the vertical of a
stack of forms. Excessive stack lean can cause failures
when feeding forms.
storage. (1) The retention of data in a storage device.
(2) In word processing, a unit into which recorded text
can be entered, in which it can be retained and
processed, and from which it can be retrieved. (3) A
device, or part of a device, that can retain data.
Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC). For
managing synchronous, code-transparent, serial-by-bit,
information transfer over a link connection.
System Application Architecture (SAA). A set of
software interfaces, conventions, and protocols resident
in the host system for designing and developing
applications that are consistent across systems.
system programmer. A programmer who plans,
generates, maintains, extends, and controls the use of
an operating system, with the aim of improving overall
productivity of an installation. Contrast with
system reference code (SRC). A code that contains
information, such as a failing field-replaceable unit, for a
customer engineer.
System/370. An upward-compatible extension of the
IBM System/360. A large collection of computing
system devices that can be combined to produce a
wide range of computing systems that share many
characteristics, including a common machine language.
task. A basic unit of work to be accomplished by a
device or an operator.
tensile strength. A measure of the force that the
paper forms can withstand without tearing.
test mode. The operational mode in which the printer
can produce print samples, accept configuration
changes, and control traces. When the 3130 is in test
mode, it is not accepting information from the attached
controlling computer system. Contrast with
print mode
diagnostic mode
text orientation. The position of text as a combination
of print direction and baseline direction.
throughput. Amount of work performed by a printer or
computer over a period of time, for example, number of
jobs per day.
toner. The material that forms the image on the paper.
Synonymous with dry ink.
trace. (1) A record of the running of a computer
program. It exhibits the sequences in which the
instructions were executed. (2) To record a series of
events as they occur. (3) In the 3130, a customer
engineer and customer analysis procedure.
two-sided printing. Printing on both sides of a sheet
of paper. Synonymous with
duplex printing
. Contrast
simplex printing
82 3130 Advanced Function Printer: Introduction and Planning Guide