
Kanji. A graphic character set consisting of symbols
used in Japanese ideogram alphabets. Each character
requires two bytes of data (double-byte characters).
landscape orientation. Text and images that are
printed parallel to the longer side of the forms. Contrast
portrait orientation
laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of
radiation). A device that emits a beam of coherent
latent image. In a printer, the invisible image that
exists in the sensitized material after exposure but
before development.
layout plan. A list of requirements, such as electrical
and space, that must be considered before installing the
IBM 3130 Advanced Function Printer.
library. A collection of related files. For example, one
line of an invoice may form an item, a complete invoice
may form a file, and the collection of inventory control
files may form a library. The libraries used by an
organization are known as the data bank.
licensed program. A separately priced program that
bears an IBM copyright and is offered to customers
under the terms and conditions of the Agreement for
IBM Licensed Programs.
line printer. A printer that prints a line of characters as
a unit. Contrast with
page printer
logical page. The print on the page, such as
composed text, graphics, and fonts within defined
margins. Contrast with
physical page
logo. An identifying emblem, statement, or motto of a
memory. All of the addressable storage space in a
processing unit and other internal storage that is used
to execute instructions. Main storage.
microcode. In the 3130, refers to the
microprogramming stored on the microcode diskette.
Microcode is used by the control unit to manage the
printer and its functions.
NetWare. A network operating system developed by
Novell, Inc. NetWare runs on a server and provides
several functions to the network and the applications
running on it, including print spooling, file serving, and
interprocess communications.
non-impact printer. A printer in which printing is not
the result of mechanical impacts. Contrast with
N_Up Printing. In Basic N_UP, the ability to print
more than one logical page on a single side by using a
control in the form definition. See also Enhanced
offline. Pertaining to the operation of a functional unit
when not under the direct control of a computer.
Contrast with
offset paper. A grade of paper to which sizing is
added to resist moisture and surface during printing by
ink presses.
offset stacking. The jogged stacking of output media
in the output stacker so that jobs protrude from the
balance of the stack to give physical identification. See
job separation
online. Pertaining to the operation of a functional unit
when under the direct control of a computer. Contrast
operating environment. The physical environment; for
example, temperature, humidity, layout, or power
operating requirements. A list of requirements, such
as environmental, electrical, and space, that must be
satisfied before the 3130 Advanced Function Printer can
be installed.
optical character recognition (OCR). Character
recognition that uses optical means to identify graphic
orientation. The number of degrees an object is
rotated relative to a reference; for example, the
orientation of an overlay relative to the page point of
origin. See also
text orientation
outboard recorder (OBR). A feature that records
pertinent data on the system recorder file when an
unrecoverable I/O exception occurs.
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