file found that matches the specification is included. If the
specification is not valid, no general response file is included.
Note: You should not have more than five levels of included response
Actions: All actions.
Specifies whether to overwrite files automatically during installation.
Valid values for this keyword are YES and NO.
Specifies whether to save a backup version of MQSeries for OS/2
Warp when it is updated. Valid values for this keyword are YES and
Actions: UPDATE.
Response File Structure
There are two kinds of line in a response file:
v Comment lines
Comment lines are either blank or start with an asterisk (*) or a semicolon
v Response lines
Response lines are used to determine the options and configurations to
install on the target system. Response lines have the following syntax:
keyword = value
Keyword-value pairs can be in any order. However, there can be only one
pair per line. You can enter keywords in upper or lower case letters. You
cannot include spaces within keywords.
The maximum line length in a response file is 255 characters.
Removing an MQSeries Client from OS/2 Warp
Use the MQSeries Installation and Maintenance icon in the MQSeries Client
folder on the desktop, and select Actions/Delete. All the MQSeries client files
that were there at the time of installation are deleted.
Installing on Sun Solaris
To install an MQSeries client on a Sun Solaris system you use the MQSeries
Client CD-ROM supplied as part of the MQSeries product.
Installing on OS/2 Warp
Chapter 7. Installing MQSeries Clients 75