
You can install the version of the MQSeries client software specific to your
national language. This means that the installation program, online help and
messages will be in your national language.
Online help is available by selecting the Help push button or by pressing PF1.
Before you start, make sure that you have at least 150 KB of free space on the
drive containing the operating system. This is required by the installation
1. Open an OS/2 Warp window (or start a full-screen session).
2. Insert the CD-ROM and change to the CD-ROM drive. Access the drive
and directory containing the installation program if you are installing
from a remote drive.
3. At the command prompt, in the root directory, type INSTALL, then press
4. On the MQSeries Language Selection panel, select the language of your
choice, and click on the OK button or press Enter.
The MQSeries Welcome panel is displayed. Make sure you are installing
the correct client for your system, OS/2 Warp, as displayed in the
Welcome panel.
5. The install panel is then displayed. Select the Update CONFIG.SYS
check box if you want your CONFIG.SYS file updated automatically as
part of the installation process. Your original CONFIG.SYS file is renamed
to CONFIG.BAK and is stored in the same directory. If you do not select
this check box, a CONFIG.ADD file is generated. This file is a copy of
CONFIG.SYS with the necessary updates to the LIBPATH and PATH
statement. You can rename the CONFIG.ADD file to CONFIG.SYS.
6. Select the OK push button to continue. The Install - directories panel is
7. The list box shows the installation options that you can select. When you
select one or more of these options, the Bytes needed field shows the
amount of disk space required for installation.
The component MQSeries Client for Java should be installed only if you
have Java 1.1.1 (or later compatible) runtime code on your machine. This
component must be installed on an HPFS formatted drive.
8. If there is not enough space on your hard disk to install all the
components, select an option that uses less disk space. If there is too little
space on your hard disk for any of the MQSeries for OS/2 installation
options, a dialog box appears before the Install - directories panel. In
this case, cancel the installation by selecting the OK push button. Find
out which of your existing files you can archive or delete to make more
space before proceeding further.
Installing on OS/2 Warp
Chapter 7. Installing MQSeries Clients 67