Welcome to MQSeries for AS/400 ....ix
Conventions ............ix
Chapter 1. About MQSeries.......1
Message Queuing ..........1
MQI – a Common Application
Programming Interface........1
Time-Independent Applications .....2
Message-Driven Processing ......2
Messages and Queues .........2
What is a Message? .........2
What is a Queue? .........3
MQSeries Objects ..........3
Queue Managers ..........4
Queues .............4
Process Definitions .........5
Channels ............5
Namelists ............6
Clients and Servers ..........6
Instrumentation Events.........7
Types of Event ..........7
Transactional Support .........8
Chapter 2. What’s New in MQSeries for
AS/400, V5.1 ............9
Chapter 3. Planning to Install the MQSeries
for AS/400 Server..........13
Hardware Requirements ........13
Disk Space Required ........13
Software Requirements ........13
Connectivity ............13
AS/400 Install Libraries and Directories. . . 14
AS/400 Library Structure ......14
IFS Root File System ........15
User Profiles ...........16
Compilers Supported for MQSeries for
AS/400, V5.1 Applications .......16
Delivery .............16
MQSeries for AS/400 Components ....16
Creating the System-Default Objects . . . 17
Chapter 4. Installing, Migrating to, and
Deleting MQSeries for AS/400 .....19
Before Installation ..........19
Setting System Values ........19
Installation Procedure .........21
Installation of Translated Versions....21
Reinstallation ..........21
Verifying the Installation ........22
Post Installation Tasks........22
Quiescing MQSeries .........23
Quiescing previous releases of MQSeries
for AS/400 ...........23
Quiescing V5.1 of MQSeries for AS/400. . 24
Migrating to MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 . . 24
What are the Differences .......25
Overview of Migration Process.....25
Before Migration .........26
Migration ............27
Verifying the Migration ........29
After Migration ..........30
Deleting MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 ....31
Standard Deletion .........31
Entire Deletion ..........31
Chapter 5. Using MQSeries for AS/400,
V5.1 ..............33
Before you Start...........33
Introducing Command Sets .......33
CL Commands ..........34
MQSeries (MQSC) Commands .....36
PCF Commands..........37
Working with MQSeries ........37
Creating a Queue Manager ......37
Starting a Queue Manager ......38
Creating a Local Queue .......38
Sending a Test Message .......41
Browsing Queues .........41
Clearing a Local Queue .......41
Deleting a Local Queue .......41
Stopping a Queue Manager ......41
Deleting a Queue Manager ......42
Checking what Queue Managers you have
Running ............42
Other Things to Do .........42
User Exits............43
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