
v NYX1 represents the PU name of server involved
v IBMRDB represents the name of VTAM logon mode
v 150 represents the maximum number of conversations
v Y represents the number of sessions preallocated at startup. This can also be
left as N, or blank (the default) for deferred at startup.
Configuring TCP/IP for DB2 Universal Database for OS/390
This section describes how to configure TCP/IP communications between
your DB2 Connect workstation and DB2 Universal Database for OS/390
Version 5.1 or later. It assumes that:
v You are connecting to a single host database via TCP/IP. Multiple host
connections will be handled in exactly the same way, although the port
number and service number required in each case may be different.
v The target database resides on DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 Version
5.1 or later.
v All the necessary software prerequisites are installed.
v DB2 clients have been set up as required.
Prerequisite OS/390 Software for TCP/IP Support
OS/390 R3+ is the minimum operating system level required for TCP/IP
support. OS/390 V2R5+ is the recommended operating system level, and the
best performer.
The following informational APARS for DB2 for OS/390 are regularly updated
with information about PTFs to install for various OS/390 components,
particularly TCP/IP for OS/390. If you use TCP/IP connectivity with DB2 for
OS/390 it is extremely important that you review and apply PTFs and APAR
fixes described in the following DB2 for OS/390 information APARs:
v II11164
v II11263
v II10962
The following fixes are recommended for DB2 for OS/390:
v DB2 for MVS Version 3.1: PTF UQ13906
v DB2 for MVS Version 4.1: PTF UQ13907
v DB2 for OS/390 Version 5.1: PTF UQ13908, PTF UQ17755
Chapter 5. Configuring Host and AS/400 Databases for DB2 Connect 47