Chapter 5. Configuring Host and AS/400 Databases for DB2
This section describes the steps required to configure host and AS/400
database servers to accept connections from DB2 Connect workstations. These
steps must be performed by users who have the necessary system privileges
and special expertise, such as your network or system administrator and your
DB2 administrator.
For more information on configuring host and AS/400 database servers, refer
to the following publications:
v The DB2 for OS/390 Installation Guide (GC26-8970) contains the most
complete and up-to-date information for DB2 Universal Database for
v The online Connectivity Supplement provided with DB2 Connect contains
selected information on setting up a host or AS/400 database server
v Distributed Relational Database Cross Platform Connectivity and Applications
(SG24-4311) contains useful post-configuration information.
The sample values used in this section match those used elsewhere in this
book. When you follow the instructions provided you must substitute your
own values for elements such as network name, LU name, and mode name.
Preparing MVS/ESA or OS/390 for DB2 Connect
Your VTAM administrator and your host system administrator must configure
VTAM and OS/390 (or MVS/ESA) to prepare DB2 Universal Database for
OS/390 (or DB2 for MVS/ESA) to receive inbound connection requests from
your DB2 Connect workstation.
This section provides:
v Examples of VTAM definitions required at your DB2 Universal Database for
OS/390 host for use with DB2 Connect SNA connections. These should be
compared with current definitions. See “Configuring VTAM” on page 40.
v Instructions for establishing TCP/IP network connections between DB2
Connect and DB2 Universal Database for OS/390. See “Configuring TCP/IP
for DB2 Universal Database for OS/390” on page 47.
v DB2 host configuration steps (see “Configuring DB2 Universal Database for
OS/390” on page 44, or “Configuring DB2 for MVS/ESA” on page 45).
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