This icon marks a fast path. A fast path guides you to information
specific to your configuration where multiple options are available.
This icon marks a tip. It provides additional information that can help
you complete a task.
For a complete description of the DB2 library, see “Appendix D. How the DB2
Library Is Structured” on page 143.
v If you do not follow the documented installation method with the
recommended defaults, it may be necessary to refer to the
Administration Guide and the Command Reference to complete the
installation and configuration.
v The term Windows 32-bit operating systems refers to Windows 95,
Windows 98, or Windows NT.
v The term Windows 9x refers to Windows 95 or Windows 98.
v The term DB2 client refers to a DB2 Run-Time Client or a DB2
Administration Client.
v The term DB2 Universal Database refers to DB2 Universal Database
on OS/2, UNIX, and Windows 32-bit operating systems, unless
otherwise stated.
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