IBM System Storage DR550 Version 3.0 ------17 March 2006 Page 56
IBM Storage Systems Copyright © 2006 by International Business Machines Corporation
2. HACMP Reconfiguration – After the four IP addresses have been configured that are
consistent with the customer’s IP address schema, HACMP must be reconfigured with these
IP addresses specified.
3. Change /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys:
SErvername TSM
COMMmethod TCPip
TCPPort 1500
TCPServeraddress <=== cluster ip
address or DNS host name
The following sections explain how to configure each of the above steps.
IP Network Address Configuration
The IBM System Storage DR550 can connect to a 10/100/1000 Mbps copper based Ethernet
network, or 1000 Mbps (gigabit) fiber optic based Ethernet network. Setup and configuration for
connecting to 10/100/1000 Mbps and the gigabit Ethernet networks is addressed in the following
sections. There is one dual port network adapter in each P5 520 server. The IBM Dual Port Gigabit
Ethernet-SX PCI-X Adapter or IBM Dual Port Base TX Ethernet adapter is found in the P5 520s
(PCI-X slot 1). This adapter is used to connect to the customer’s Ethernet network.
To use the IBM System Storage DR550 you must change the IP network addresses set at the
factory to conform to your IP network address schema. This results in one task: the setting of IP
addresses for multiple adapters.
Connecting to Gigabit Ethernet (Fibre) Network
The following diagram shows the network as configured at the factory. The addresses that must be
changed for integration into the customer’s IP network are stored on both P5 520 servers.
Addresses for both nodes are stored on each server. You do not need to configure any other
addresses on the DR550.
The following table shows the IP addresses associated with the servers, storage and customer
network. Please note that some addresses may need to be changed while others should not be
IP Address IP Description Device Configuration Need?
DRS_Engine_1 drs_engine1_boot AIX To be changed drs_engine1_stdby AIX To be changed drs_cluster_svc AIX / HACMP To be changed drs_engine1_hrtbeat AIX / HACMP Do not change drs_engine1_DS40002_ctrlA AIX Do not change drs_engine1_DS40002_ctrlB AIX Do not change drs_DS40002_ctrlA DS4100 Do not change drs_DS40002_ctrlB DS4100 Do not change
DRS_Engine_2 drs_engine2_boot AIX To be changed drs_engine2_stdby AIX To be changed drs_engine2_hrtbeat AIX/HACMP Do not change