IBM System Storage DR550 Version 3.0 ------17 March 2006 Page 53
IBM Storage Systems Copyright © 2006 by International Business Machines Corporation
Procedure for Changing IP Address
To configure the DR550 for use within your network you must change one IP address from its
factory setting. The change is made to the P5 520 server.
Important: Do not change the factory IP configuration for the DS4100 controllers or
any IP address on the IBM TotalStorage SAN Switch B16.
The following table, which was also provided in the Site Preparation and Planning Section of this
document, may be helpful in recording the IP addresses to be used in your operational environment.
IP Description IP Address from Factory IP Address in Network
There are different possible ways to change the IP settings. There are various AIX commands,
which are available for these tasks. For convenience, we recommend that you use the System
Management Interface Tool (SMIT) that is part of AIX. This is a quick and efficient tool, and in
addition, the SMIT session is logged into a file (smit.log); the log file can be used to analyze a
situation in case of problems.
Single node configuration steps
Most settings are done using the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) of AIX. SMIT is an
interactive interface application designed to simplify system management tasks. We start SMIT on
the AIX command line prompt by typing smitty. The smitty command displays a hierarchy of menus
that can lead to interactive dialogues. SMIT builds and runs commands as directed by the user.
Step 1 - Obtain 1 IP address from your network administrator
The first step is to set a new address in conformance with your network. You need to obtain one IP
address from your network administrator. It is suggested that you create a table where you write the
factory IP address and the actual IP address side by side as illustrated. The following steps include
a sample address. Your address will most likely be different.
IP description AIX interface Factory IP
Actual IP address
drs_engine en0
Step2 - Connect to drs_engine through the management console
1. Login to the IBM eServer p5 520 server drs_engine with user dr550 through the management
Login DR550
Password xxxxxxx
2. Once successfully logged on as dr550, issue the AIX command su - root to switch to root. Now
you have the necessary AIX system rights to change the network settings.
Password xxxxxx
Step 3 - Edit the /etc/hosts file on drs_engine