CTI 2572 Installation and Operation Guide
SEND Command
The Send command reads a data from the designated block of V location and sends it to the partner
Offset Description Hex Decimal
0 Error Word 0000 0
1 Command Code (SEND) 2E03 11779
2 Connection Number 4B15 –
3 Command Flags
4 Number of words to transfer 1 - 200 1-512
5 Send Block V-memory Address
6 Unused
7-15 Unused
Command Code – The number for this command is 0x2E03.
Connection number – This must correspond to an open Send/Receive connection number.
Flags – None Used
Number of Words to Transfer – This designates the number of words to be sent. The maximum
number is 512 words.
Other Siemens PLCs may have tighter restrictions. For example, the AG_SEND and AG_RECEIVE
blocks in some Siemens PLC models are limited to 240 bytes.
Send Block V Memory Address – The V memory address that contains the first word of the data
block to be sent.
The S
END command may be directed to any open Send/Receive Connection. Although, the V
memory location and length can be changed from one invocation of the command to the next, the
user must ensure that the application in the partner PLC can properly receive and interpret the data.
If no initial connection has been made or the connection has been lost, the protocol manager will
return an error to the Send command. PLC logic should periodically attempt to send data until the
connection has been re-established.