
CTI 2572 Installation and Operation Guide
Command Error Timing
The module provides a mechanism for command execution communicating errors to the PLC. This
is accomplished via the CMD ERR bit and the ERROR WORD in the Command Block. The
following figure illustrates Command Error timing. Note that the shaded area indicates a "dont care"
condition for the particular bit.
At time A, the module has
set CMD BUSY and is
attempting to retrieve the
command block and to
process the command.
Some time later, a
command processing error
occurs. The module writes
error information into the
error word of the
Command Block and
asserts CMD ERR at time
B. Processing of this
command is halted.
If the module cannot write
the error word to the
Command Block, it also
asserts the PLC ERR bit
(see the following section).
The error word is valid
only when CMD error is
asserted and PLC ERR is clear.
At the end of each PLC I/O scan, the module samples the state of ERROR ACK (Error
Acknowledge). As soon as the module detects that ERROR ACK is set (Time C), it will turn off
CMD ERR (and PLC ERR if on) at Time D and proceed with the error recovery.
After error recovery is competed, the module will clear CMD BUSY (Time E). This may or may not
be the in the same PLC I/O scan. CMD ERR will never be asserted unless CMD BUSY is asserted.
CMD ERR is always cleared prior to or at the same time as the release of the CMD BUSY signal
(Time D is always before or the same as time E).
The contents of the error word in the Command Block is valid only when CMD ERR is asserted and
PLC ERR is clear.
Since the ERROR ACK signal is sampled only when CMD ERR or PLC ERR is asserted, PLC logic
can leave the ERROR ACK bit on, if you wish to ignore all errors.
Figure 25. Command Error Timing