
CTI 2572 Installation and Operation Guide
Offset 0 Error Word - Set to 0 so that any previous error code is cleared.
Offset 1 Command Code - The Command for Start Network Server is 4.
Offset 2 Connection Number - Set this to 19200 (hex 4B00).
Offset 3 TCP Stale Socket Timeout - This value specifies the amount of elapsed time (in
seconds) without any messages from the client application before the 2572 will
automatically close a server TCP socket. If the value is set to 0, then the 2572 will
not automatically close the socket unless the client application explicitly closes the
connection or a network error is detected.
Offset 4-5 IP Address Offset 4 - This should contain the high 16 bits of the module IP address.
Offset 5 should contain the low 16 bits of the IP address. An IP Address of
(0000 0000 hex) or greater than (DFFF FFFF hex) will return an
Offset 6 TCP/UDP Port - This will be the port ID used to connect to the 2572 PLC Server
application. CTI documentation examples assume that this will be set to 1505
decimal. You should use this value unless you have a reason to do otherwise. Note
that port numbers 1023 and below are reserved by the IANA (Internet Assigned
Numbers Authority) for "well known ports. Other values may have been reserved
by your network administrator. Port 7 is automatically assigned as an echo server in
compliance with RFC 1340.
Offset 7-8 IP Address of Default Router - This identifies the address of the router to which
unknown IP addresses will be directed. Offset 8 contains the high 16 bits of the
address and Offset 9 contains the low 16 bits. An IP address greater than (DFFF FFFF hex) will return an error. If you do not have a router
on your network, set this to 0000 0000.
Offset 9-10 Subnet Mask - Specifies the subnet mask assigned to this network. Offset 9 contains
the high 16 bits of the mask and Offset 10 contains the low 16 bits. If offset 9 and 10
contain a value of 0, then the subnet mask will default to the standard for the IP
address class. A subnet mask must contain all 1s in the network portion of the IP
address and must allow at least 2 bits of host address. In addition, the subnet mask
cannot be set so that the derived host address is 0 or a broadcast address (all ones).