
v An indication that you cannot activate the system attention LED.
4. Select one of the virtual servers, and select Deactivate System Attention LED. A confirmation
window is displayed that provides the following information:
v A verification that the system attention LED was deactivated.
v An indication that there still might be open problems within the logical partition.
v An indication that you cannot activate the virtual server LED.
Activating or deactivating identify LED by using the SDMC:
The system provides several LEDs that help identify various components, such as enclosures or field
replaceable units (FRUs). For this reason, they are called identify LEDs.
You can activate or deactivate the following types of identify LEDs:
v Identify LED for an enclosure If you want to add an adapter to a specific drawer (enclosure), you
need to know the machine type, model, and serial number (MTMS) of the drawer. To determine
whether you have the correct MTMS for the drawer that needs the new adapter, you can activate the
LED for a drawer and verify that the MTMS corresponds to the drawer that requires the new adapter.
v Identify LED for a FRU associated with a specified enclosure If you want to hook up a cable to a
specific I/O adapter, you can activate the LED for the adapter which is a field replaceable unit (FRU),
and then physically check to see where you should hook up the cable. This is especially useful when
you have several adapters with open ports.
To activate or deactivate an identify LED for an enclosure or FRU, follow these steps:
1. On the Resources tab, select the appropriate host or virtual server.
2. Select Actions Service and Support Hardware Identify LED.
3. In the Identify LED, Select Enclosure window, select the system unit or enclosure.
4. To activate or deactivate an identify LED, click either Activate LED or Deactivate LED. The
associated LED is either turned on or off.
5. To activate or deactivate an identify LED for a FRU, select a system or enclosure from the table, and
then select List FRUs....
6. Select one or more FRUs from the table, and click either Activate LED or Deactivate LED. The
associated LED is either turned on or off.
Viewing serviceable events by using the IBM Systems Director Management Console:
Use this procedure to view a serviceable event, including details, comments, and service history.
To view serviceable events, follow these steps:
1. On the Resources tab, select the appropriate host or virtual server.
2. Select Actions System Status and Health Event Log.
3. Optional: You can narrow the event criteria using the Event filter menu.
4. Select a line in the Events window, and select Actions Properties The Properties window opens,
showing detailed information about the serviceable event. The table shows information, such as
problem number, reference code, and the field replaceable units (FRUs) associated with this event.
Verifying an installed feature or replaced part on a system or logical partition by
using Virtual I/O Server tools
If you installed feature or replaced a part, you might want to use the tools in Virtual I/O Server (VIOS)
to verify that the feature or part is recognized by the system or logical partition.
To verify the operation of a newly installed feature or replacement part, select the appropriate procedure:
v Verify the installed feature using VIOS
70 Power Systems: Power supplies for the 9117-MMB or 9179-MHB