
Identifying a failing part in an IBM i system or logical partition
You can activate or deactivate the indicator light by using IBM i to assist in locating a failing part.
Activating the failing-part indicator light:
You can search the service action log for an entry that matches the time, reference code, or resource of a
problem, and then activate the indicator light for a failing part.
1. Sign on to an IBM i session, with at least service level authority.
2. On the command line of the session, type strsst and press Enter.
Note: If you cannot get to the System Service Tools display, use function 21 from the control panel.
Alternatively, if the system is managed by a Hardware Management Console (HMC), use the Service
Focal Point
utilities to get to the Dedicated Service Tools (DST) display.
3. Type your service tools user ID and service tools password on the System Service Tools (SST) Sign
On display. Press Enter.
Remember: The service tools password is case-sensitive.
4. Select Start a service tool from the System Service Tools (SST) display and press Enter.
5. Select Hardware service manager from the Start a Service Tool display and press Enter.
6. Select Work with service action log from the Hardware Service Manager display and press Enter.
7. On the Select Timeframe display, change the From: Date and Time field to a date and time prior to
when the problem occurred.
8. Search for an entry that matches one or more conditions of the problem:
v System Reference code
v Resource
v Date and time
v Failing item list
9. Select option 2 (Display failing item information) to display the service action log entry.
10. Select option 2 (Display details) to display location information for the failing part to be replaced.
The information displayed in the date and time fields is the date and time for the first occurrence of
the specific System reference code for the resource displayed during the time range selected.
11. If location information is available, select option 6 (Indicator on) to turn on the failing part's
indicator light.
Tip: If the failing part does not contain a physical indicator light, a higher-level indicator light is
activated. For example, the indicator light for the backplane or unit that contains the failing part
might be lit. In this case, use the location information to locate the actual failing part.
12. Look for the enclosure indicator light to locate the enclosure that contains the failing part.
Deactivating the failing-part indicator light:
Use this procedure to turn off any indicator light that you turned on as a part of a service action.
To deactivate the indicator light, follow these steps:
1. Sign on to an IBM i session, with at least service level authority.
2. On the command line of the session, type strsst and press Enter.
Note: If you cannot get to the System Service Tools display, use function 21 from the control panel.
Alternatively, if the system is managed by a Hardware Management Console (HMC), use the Service
Focal Point utilities to get to the Dedicated Service Tools (DST) display.
Power supplies 39