
Disconnecting the power cords from the 8202-E4B or 8205-E6B system ..............58
Connecting the power cords to the 8202-E4B or 8205-E6B system ................60
Installing a feature by using the Hardware Management Console ................60
Installing a part by using the Systems Director Management Console ...............61
Verifying the installed part .............................61
Verifying an installed feature or replaced part in an AIX system or logical partition .........61
Verifying the installed part in an IBM i system or logical partition ...............64
Deactivating the failing-part indicator light ......................64
Verifying the installed part in a Linux system or logical partition ...............65
Verifying an installed part by using stand-alone diagnostics .................65
Verifying the installed part by using Hardware Management Console ..............66
Activating and deactivating LEDs by using the HMC ..................67
Viewing serviceable events by using the HMC.....................68
Verifying the installed part by using Systems Director Management Console ...........69
Activating and deactivating LEDs by using the SDMC ..................69
Viewing serviceable events by using the IBM Systems Director Management Console .......70
Verifying an installed feature or replaced part on a system or logical partition by using Virtual I/O Server
Verifying a repair ................................73
Verifying the repair in AIX ............................74
Verifying a repair using an IBM i system or logical partition .................77
Verifying the repair in Linux ...........................79
Verifying the repair from the management console ....................79
Closing a service call ...............................80
Closing a service call using AIX or Linux .......................85
Closing a service call using Integrated Virtualization Manager ................89
Activating and deactivating LEDs ...........................93
Deactivating a system attention LED or partition LED using the management console ........94
Activating or deactivating an identify LED using the management console ............94
Deactivating a system attention LED or logical partition LED using the Advanced System Management
Interface ..................................95
Activating or deactivating an identify LED using the Advanced System Management Interface .....96
Notices ...................................97
Trademarks ...................................98
Electronic emission notices ..............................98
Class A Notices .................................98
Class B Notices.................................102
Terms and conditions................................105
iv Power Systems: Power supplies for the 9117-MMB or 9179-MHB