
Option Description Value
Sample Command
-e nn Defines the error level above
which the CLI automatically
exits. If the returned error code
is greater than the error level
specified, the CLI automatically
Use this command within shell
This parameter prevents
unwanted execution of
commands following a
command that generates an
error above the specified level.
When the CLI terminates, it
returns a UNIX exit code that
can be tested by the shell.
Valid values in the
error level code are:
0—Indicates successful
4—Indicates warning.
8—Indicates error.
catastrophic error.
$ direct -e 16
-n name Identifies the host name of the
computer where the Sterling
Connect:Direct server (PMGR)
is running.
Note: Invoking direct with -p
or -n overrides the settings in
the ndmapi.cfg file.
Sterling Connect:Direct
host name
$ direct -n hostname
-p nnnnn Identifies the communications
port number for the Sterling
Connect:Direct node.
Note: Invoking direct with -p
or -n overrides the settings in
the ndmapi.cfg file.
1024–65535. The format
is nnnnn.
$ direct -p 2222
-x Displays command input on
standard out. Use this
command when debugging
none $ direct -x
-r Makes the Process number
available to user-written shell
scripts. The CLI displays a
special string, _CDPNUM_
followed by a space, followed
by the Process number.
none $direct -r | grep
-h Displays command usage
information if a Sterling
Connect:Direct command is
typed incorrectly.
none $ direct -h
-z Appends a newline character
after a prompt.
none $ direct -z
CLI Job Control
Sterling Connect:Direct enables you to switch the CLI Process between the
foreground and the background in shells that support job control. This capability
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes 3