
Parameter Description Values
tracel Specifies the level of trace to perform for a
Process. Tracing by Process can be turned on in
the submit command or as part of the Process
If you identify the snode or pnode
immediately after the trace level definition, the
trace level is turned on for all Processes
submitted to and from the node identified.
snode | pnode
level—Specifies the level of detail displayed in the
trace output. The default is 4.
0—Terminates the trace.1—The basic level that
provides function entry and function
exit.2—includes level 1 plus function
arguments.4—Enables a full trace. Basic
diagnostic information, such as values of internal
data structures at key points in the execution
flow, are displayed.
snode—Specifies to trace only the SNODE SMGR.
pnode—Specifies to trace only the PNODE SMGR.
file—Specifies the name of a file where the trace
output is directed. If you do not specify a file
name, the file is created in the Sterling
Connect:Direct working directory with the file
name CMGR.TRC. The length of the name value
is unlimited.
Example - Submit a Process That Runs Every Week
The following command submits the Process named payroll:
submit file=payroll retain=yes startt=monday pacct=“1959,dept-27";
Because retain=yes is specified in this sample, the Process is retained in the TCQ
after execution. The Process starts next Monday at 00:00:00 and runs every Monday
thereafter. Process accounting data is specified for the PNODE.
Example - Submit a Process with a Start Time Specified
The following command submits the Process named copyfil:
submit file=copyfil snode=vmcent startt=(01/01/2008, 11:45:00 am);
Because startt is specified, the Process executes on the first day of January 2008 at
11:45 a.m.
Example - Submit a Process with No File Value
The following command submits a Process without a file parameter value, but
with the Process statements typed at the CLI command prompt:
Direct> sub do_copy process snode=node1
step01 copy from (
to (
pend ;
Process Submitted, Process Number = 5
12 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide