Chapter 4. Writing Custom Programs
Introduction to Writing Custom Programs
The Sterling Connect:Direct Application Programming Interface (API) allows you
to write custom programs in either C or C++ to use with Sterling Connect:Direct.
With the C functions or the C++ classes, you can create programs to perform the
following tasks:
v Establish a connection to the Sterling Connect:Direct server
v Disconnect from the server
v Receive command responses from the server
v Send commands to the server
This topic describes the format of the Sterling Connect:Direct API functions and
classes and provides samples of their use. Sample programs are provided that use
the Sterling Connect:Direct API functions and classes to issue commands and
receive responses from the Sterling Connect:Direct server.
Compiling Custom Programs
After you write a custom program, you must compile it, usingaCorC++
compiler. Refer to the following information to determine what minimum C++
compiler version to use for each platform:
Platform C++ Compiler
AIX IBM XL C++ V8.0 for AIX
Sun Solaris SPARC/x86 C++5.7
HP aCC: HP ANSI C++ B3910B A.03.73
HP-Itanium aCC: HP ANSI C++ B3910B A.06.07
Linux c++ version 3.3.3
Use the commands defined in the following table to compile a custom C++
program using the C++ API calls:
Platform C++ Compile Command
64-bit /usr/vacpp/bin/xlC -q64 -qinline -I../include -+ -o sdksample sdksample.C ../lib/ndmapi64.a -lbsd -ldl
-lsrc -lpthreads
32-bit /usr/vacpp/bin/xlC -qinline -I../include -+ -o sdksample sdksample.C ../lib/ndmapi.a -lbsd -ldl -lsrc
32-bit /opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC -DBSD_COMP -I../include -o sdksample sdksample.C ../lib/ndmapi.a
-L/usr/ucblib -L/usr/lib -lsocket -lrpcsoc -lnsl -lelf -ldl
Note: If /usr/ucblib is not in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable, add -R/usr/ucblib to the compile
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