
January 2009 UDA2182 Universal Dual Analyzer Product Manual 79
Parameter Selection or Range
of Setting
Parameter Definition
On / Off output relay turns On when the input is greater than the relay high and low ranges
and turns off when the input is less than the relay high and low ranges. This allows an on /
off control action with an adjustable dead band. The On state is controlled by a cycle time
and on duration parameters such to achieve a selectable output proportion. An invert
parameter is available to allow inverse action such that the relay will cycle ON when below
the low range limit.
Any Analog Signal
See Table 6-3
PV Source
High Range -99999 to 99999
default = 100.00
The high range is the PV based engineering unit
value configured as the value that will produce a
100 percent (Maximum Frequency) duty cycle.
Low Range -99999 to 99999
default = 0.00
The low range is the PV based engineering unit
value configured as the value that will produce a
0 percent (always inactive) duty cycle.
Invert Enable
Disable (default)
Inverts the proportional range or input state of
the applied digital or analog input such that
inverse relay operation is achieved.
Cycle Time 0 to 999
default = 10
Cycle time is that time period, in seconds,
between relay activations.
Relay 1
Relay 2
Relay 3
Relay 4
Control Relay
On Time
0,0 to 999
default = 5
Sets the pulse duration. This value should be
less than the cycle time for proper operation.
Typically this value is used to control the pulse
duration for the finial output control element.