Operating the Analyzer
32 UDA2182 Universal Dual Analyzer Product Manual January 2009
5.7.13 Auto Cycle Fail
The status message “Auto Cycle n Fail” is displayed during a fail state. Once detected,
the current cycle proceeds immediately to the Probe Insert step (if enabled) or to the
Resume Delay step. The fail state remains for the duration of the Resume Delay,
whereupon the fail state returns to zero and the fail message is cancelled.
A fail state also provides a detail message in the lower half of the Auto Cycle display
regarding the specific reason for the error. These messages are listed in Section 12.4.
The digital output “AC n Fail” is also available and is active whenever an auto cycle
failure has occurred. The auto cycle digital outputs: AC n Extract, AC n Rinse, AC n Cal
Pt 1 and AC n Cal and AC n Cal 2 are available as relay digital input sources (See Table
6-4) to control the operation of valves and solenoids for exposure to rinse water and
buffer solutions or air to accomplish the automatic probe rinse and calibration functions.
5.7.14 Conditional Sequencer Steps
Table 5-5 Conditional Sequencer Steps for Auto Cycle
Step AC n
AC n
AC n
AC n
Cal 2
Cycle Stop 0 0 0 0 Inactive Cycle inactive
Cycle Start
0 0 0 0 Active Operator panel Cycle Start is Yes
or Cycle Start Src state is 1
or cycle timer engages
Probe Extract 1 0 0 0 Active Probe Transit is enabled
Probe Rinse 1 1 0 0 Active Rinse Cycle Cnt > 0 and enables
current cycle
and if Probe Transit enabled,
Extract Wait Src is None or state is
1 or Max Transit Timer expires
Cal Point 1 1 1 1 0 Active Rinse timer expires if enabled
and Cal 1 (Cal) Cycle Cnt > 0 and
enables current cycle
Cal Point 2 1 1 0 1 Active Rinse timer expires or Cal 1
and Cal 2 Cycle Cnt > 0 and
enables current cycle
Probe Insert 0 1 0 0 Active Auto Cycle Fail
or Probe Transit is enabled
Resume Delay 0 0 0 0 Active Auto Cycle Fail
or Rinse timer expires or Cal 1 or
Cal 2 complete
and Insert Wait Src is None or state
is 1 or Max Transit Timer expires