76 UDA2182 Universal Dual Analyzer Product Manual January 2009
6.8 Relays Configuration
Programming the relays consists of selecting the relay type, identifying the input
parameter, which activates the relay and selecting whether the relay is energized when
the input parameter is on or off. The Relay group lets you select a relay type for up to
four relays. When planning relay operation, it is wise to consider the state of the relay
when power is not applied to the UDA. The invert parameter of the relay configuration is
helpful in assuring that the Off device state is consistent with the relay normal operation.
Each relay output can be independently configured to be one of four basic types:
A Digital Output Relay allows connection to any Alarm, Alarm Group, Monitor, Logic,
Digital Input, Input Fault, Output Fault, Hold Key, Pharm Warn, Pharm Fail, Control
Alarms, Input 1 and 2 Rinse and Cal Pts, Cycle on or fail.
Time proportional output is a form of a process variable transmitter or control output
that pulses the relay as a pulse width modulated signal that is proportional to the input
signal over a configured input range. The Time Proportional cycle time is configurable
between 0.1 and 999 seconds while the duty cycle is directly proportional to the selected
input signal.
Frequency proportional output is a form of a process variable transmitter or control
output that pulses the relay as a pulse rate that is proportional to the input signal over a
configured input range. The maximum frequency is set by the cycle time that is
configurable between 0.1 and 999 seconds. The pulse duration is fixed and configured in
seconds by an on time parameter.
On / Off output relay turns On when the input is greater than the high and low ranges
and turns off when the input is less than the high and low ranges. This allows an on / off
control action with an adjustable dead band. The On state is controlled by a cycle time
and on duration parameters such to achieve a selectable output proportion. An invert
parameter is available to allow inverse action such that the relay will cycle ON when
below the low range limit.
Pulse Output relay will provide a fixed duty cycle when the applied input signal is ON.
The cycle time and pulse duration are configurable parameters. The relay will be OFF
when the applied input is OFF. An inverse parameter allows the input to be inverted for
reverse behavior.
Accessing Relays Menu
• Press
to display the Main menu.
• Use the
keys to select “Relays” then press
to enter the sub-menu.
• Relay 1, Relay 2, Relay 3 or Relay 4 and their associated parameters are
available for selection.