TrueSTEAM Humidification System
17 69-2285EFS—03
8. Replace inline filter at least once per season. Turn water supply off before replacing.
Press down filter
collar ring and
pull out 1/4 in.
water line from
each side.
Insert 1/4 in. lines into
new filter. Apply modest
pull to ensure a tight fit.
9. Onceclean,reattachtankbysecuringthelatch.Engagethewhite
The “Press Reset” light will blink at start-up. Push the RESET button
to ready the humidifier.
reattaching the humidifier water tank.
Automatic End of Season Shutdown
TrueSTEAM has the intelligence to empty the tank when humidity is not needed for an extended
needed again. This prevents water from stagnating within the tank. The tank will refill with water
upon next humidity call.
Extended Vacation
It is recommended you turn off the humidifier’s water supply and turn off the humidity control for
control to a comfortable position.