Enhancements in Release F.05.05 through F.05.70
Enhancements in Release F.05.05 through F.05.60
Figure 15. Example of Showing a VLAN with Ports Configured for Open VLAN Mode
Current VLAN ID < vlan-id >: Lists the VID of the static, untagged VLAN to which the port currently belongs.
No PVID: The port is not an untagged member of any VLAN.
Syntax: show vlan < vlan-id >
Displays the port status for the selected VLAN, including an indication
of which port memberships have been temporarily overridden by Open
VLAN mode.
Status Indicator Meaning
Note that ports 1 and 3 are not
in the upper listing, but are
included under “Overridden
Port VLAN configuration”. This
shows that static, untagged
VLAN memberships on ports 1
and 3 have been overridden by
temporary assignment to the
authorized or unauthorized
VLAN. Using the show port-
access authenticator < port-
list > command shown in figure
14 provides details.