Enhancements in Release F.02.02
CDP (Updated by Software Version F.05.50)
CDP (Updated by Software Version F.05.50)
Software version F.02.02 for the Series 2500 switches, implemented CDP-v1 (Cisco Discovery
Protocol, version 1) to help discover devices in a network. Software version F.05.50 and beyond
updates this network discovery method to the industry standard Link Layer Discovery Protocol
(LLDP). For release notes describing the latest software updates for your switch model, visit the
ProCurve Networking website at http://www. procurve.com.
New Time Synchronization Protocol Options
Using time synchronization ensures a uniform time among interoperating devices. This helps you to
manage and troubleshoot switch operation by attaching meaningful time data to event and error
Formerly, TimeP was the only time protocol available for time synchronization in Series 2500
switches. Beginning with software release F.02.02, the switches also offer SNTP (Simple Network
Time Protocol) and a new
timesync command for changing the time protocol selection (or turning off
time protocol operation).
■ Although you can create and save configurations for both time protocols without conflicts,
the switch allows only one active time protocol at any time.
■ Time synchronization is no longer active in the factory default configuration. You must first
select the desired protocol (default: TimeP), and then enable it.
■ In the factory-default configuration for release F.02.02 and later, the time synchronization
method is set to TimeP, with actual TimeP operation disabled. (In earlier releases, TimeP
was enabled with DHCP for acquiring a TimeP server address).
■ If you configure SNTP operation in the switch, but later download a configuration created
using a pre-F.02.02 version of the software, the SNTP configuration will be replaced by the
non-SNTP time synchronization settings in the downloaded configuration file.
■ In the menu interface, the time protocol parameters have been moved from the "Internet (IP)
Service" screen to the "System Information" screen, and the menu path is now:
2. Switch Configuration...
1. System Information