Enhancements in Release F.02.02
New Time Synchronization Protocol Options
For example, suppose:
■ Time synchronization is configured for SNTP.
■ You want to:
1. View the current time synchronization.
2. Select TimeP as the time synchronization mode.
3. Enable TimeP for DHCP mode.
4. View the TimeP configuration.
The commands and output would appear as follows:
Figure 99. Example of Enabling TimeP Operation in DHCP Mode
Enabling Timep in Manual Mode. Like DHCP mode, configuring TimeP for
Manual mode enables
TimeP. However, for manual operation, you must also specify the IP address of the TimeP server.
(The switch allows only one TimeP server.) To enable the TimeP protocol:
Syntax: timesync timep Selects Timep.
ip timep manual <ip-addr> Activates TimeP in Manual mode with a
specified TimeP server.
no ip timep Disables TimeP.
To change from one TimeP server to another, you must (1) use the no ip timep command to disable
TimeP mode, and then reconfigure TimeP in Manual mode with the new server IP address.
For example, to select TimeP and configure it for manual operation using a TimeP server address of and the default poll interval (720 minutes, assuming the TimeP poll interval is already
set to the default):
show timep displays the TimeP configuration and also shows
that SNTP is the currently active time synchronization mode.
show timep again displays the TimeP configuration and shows that TimeP is
now the currently active time synchronization mode.