‘Poor Satellite Reception’ Menu
If no satellites are received for several minutes (or if too few satellites are received to determine a position
fix), a Poor Satellite Reception message appears. You can: turn off the GPS for using the unit indoors for
practice; update your approximate location (quicker); or have the unit automatically search for the satellites
(takes longer). Updating your approximate location ensures that the StreetPilot is searching for the correct
satellites and is useful if you have traveled over 500 miles with the unit turned off. If the unit has been
stored for a few months and the displayed date is incorrect, the StreetPilot does not know the current
positions of the GPS satellites. Additionally, the Poor Satellite Reception message may appear when you first
use your StreetPilot. The prompt may also appear during normal use if the antenna is shaded or when the
unit is used indoors.
The GPS Information page indicates the accuracy of the position fix. See Appendix G for the StreetPilot’s
performance specifications which include accuracy.
GPS Information Page Options
To display the GPS Information page options, press MENU (with the GPS Information page displayed). The
following options are available: Track Up/North Up, New Elevation, New Location, and Enable WAAS.
Track Up/North Up – Changes the sky view display from a North Up orientation to Track Up, which aligns
the Map page to the current direction of travel (ground track). You can also touch the sky view on the GPS
Information page to toggle between Track Up and North Up.
New Location – Forces the StreetPilot to search for any available satellite to determine its position. This
option can be used only if you don’t have a GPS fix. It is useful if you’ve relocated a long distance (greater
than 500 miles) from where the StreetPilot was last used. In such instances, without initialization, the
StreetPilot may be looking for the wrong group of satellites.
A variety of options can be performed via the Menu
page shown above. Access this page by pressing your
unit’s MENU key while you are on the GPS Information
GPS Info Page
The ‘Poor Satellite Reception’ menu gives you several
options when an insufficient number of satellites is
received to determine a position fix.