Finding Interesting Places to Eat, Sleep, Shop, and Visit
A fun feature of your StreetPilot is being able to locate interesting and exciting places all over the U.S.
without having to ask for directions to get there. If you are new to a town and you need to find a bank or
car wash, touch the Services icon from the Find menu. If you are driving through town on vacation and you
want to stop and eat, touch the Food & Drink icon. If you are planning a camping trip in North Carolina
and want to find campgrounds that are nearest to the Outer Banks, touch the Lodging icon.
You can use the following icons (options) when you want to search for businesses, parks, and other points
of interest: Food & Drink, Lodging, Services, Entertainment, Attractions, Shopping, Transportation, and
Emergency & Government. All of these options are subgroups of the All Points of Interest option, which
returns the largest list of places. Your StreetPilot searches for places the same way for all options listed
Assume, for example, that you are currently navigating a route from Kansas City to St. Louis. As you are
driving along the Interstate, you decide that you want to look for a place to eat along the route. To do this,
press the unit’s FIND key, and then select the Food & Drink icon from the Find menu. A list of places to eat
that are along your entire route from Kansas City to St. Louis (and within a 1/2 mile corridor width of any
point on your route) will appear under the Near Current Route tab. The list displays places that are located
ahead of or a short distance behind you. This is useful information if you are in a part of the country where
eating places are sparse; you can see how many miles away the nearest restaurant is on your route. You
may have to backtrack if you discover that you just passed the nearest restaurant for many miles. Or, you
can view the list to see if your favorite restaurant happens to be located on or near your route, and how far
away it is. To reduce the number of results, use the Filter tab to type in the entire name or part of the name
of the restaurant.
If your search does not reveal very many restaurants because you are in a sparsely-populated area, consider
widening the search area (corridor width) along your route. From the list of places that appeared under
the Near Current Route tab, press the unit’s MENU key. From the Menu page that appears, select the Search
Within icon. You can then elect to expand your search for restaurants that are up to 1, 2, 5, or 15 miles
along your current route. A new list will appear.
Finding Places
To adjust how
far off-route your
StreetPilot will
search, press the
unit’s MENU key
and select Search
While navigating a route, select Food & Drink from
the Find menu to view a list of eating places near your
current position. The Near Current Route tab will display
places that are located along your entire route.