(or vice versa) by touching the orientation icon. Note that the map tools bar must be hidden before you can
change these icons.
Map Scale
A map scale appears on the lower left of the Map page. It shows you the current zoom level showing on
the Map page (such as 500 miles, .8 miles, or 200 feet) as well as what map your StreetPilot is using to
create the current image. Your StreetPilot uses either a “base map” or a “detail map.” The base map is a
built-in map that provides only general information such as city names and highway exits. The detail map
includes information that you transferred from the City Navigator to the CF card in your StreetPilot (see
the setup information on page iv). It features specific details such as addresses, businesses, parks, and other
points of interest. Thus, if you are viewing Denver at a map scale of 800 feet, your StreetPilot will display
information from its base map. If you have transferred Denver map data from the City Navigator CD-ROM
to your StreetPilot, the map scale will switch from “base map” to “detail map” as you continue to zoom in to
If you continue to zoom even more in to Denver or any city, “overzoom” will appear on the map scale.
Displaying at between 500 - 300 feet, “overzoom” indicates that the current scale exceeds the optimum
resolution of available map detail. Some detail, such as roads, are drawn using widely-spaced points and
the actual layout of these details may differ from the map presentation.
detail map of Denver at 800-foot zoom
detail map of Denver at 300-foot “overzoom”
base map of Denver at 20-mile zoom
Using the Map Scale