Appendix C. Temperature Transmitter Installation
Transport® Model PT878 Portable Liquid Flowmeter User’s Manual 245
C.2.2 Mounting the RTD to the Pipe
Use the steps below to fasten the RTD to the pipe:
1. Prepare the pipe where you intend to place the RTD. The area should be
clean and free of loose material.
2. Apply couplant (GE part number 401-001) to the copper face of the
RTD. Use enough couplant to cover the face of the RTD, but not so
much that the couplant oozes out from underneath.
3. Position the RTD on the pipe and wrap the clamping fixture around the
4. To secure the RTD, you place the feeder buckle into the screw buckle
and use a screwdriver to tighten. Turn the screw clockwise until the
strap is set securely against the RTD.
Proceed to the following section to make electrical connections.
C.3 Making Electrical Connections
The PT878 will not accept a signal directly from the RTD; therefore, you
must have some type of 4 to 20-mA transmitter. The factory supplies a dual
transmitter (DTR) with a special LEMO connector that attaches to the
PT878. The PT878 supplies power to the DTR using an internal 16 V
supply. If you decide to supply your own transmitter, you can use the 16 V
supply to power your transmitter; however, you will need to order the
special LEMO connector cable to connect your transmitter to the PT878.
To make electrical connections, you must connect the RTD sensor to the 4
to 20-mA transmitter, and then connect the DTR to the PT878. Use the
following sections to make electrical connections.