Chapter 7. Logging Data
Transport® Model PT878 Portable Liquid Flowmeter User’s Manual 137
7.3.1 Setting up a New Log (cont.)
3. The next prompt asks for the starting date and time.
a. Press [ENTER] to enter the text box. The meter highlights the first
number. Use the [
W] and [X] keys to scroll to any number you wish
to change, or the [
X] key to scroll to the time box.
b. Two alternatives are available to change a highlighted number:
• Use the numeric keys to enter the desired number.
• Use the [T] or [S] arrow keys to scroll, in 1-digit increments, to the
desired number. (For example, if the text box displays 09, pressing
the [
T] key twice changes the number to 07.) You can scroll from 01
to 12 for the month and from 01 to 31 for the day (depending on the
number you have selected for the month).
c. In either case, press [ENTER] to confirm the entry.
4. Follow the same procedure to enter the end date and time.
5. The final prompt in this window asks for the logging interval.
a. Press [ENTER] to open the text box.
b. Use the numeric keys to enter the desired interval in seconds.
c. Press [ENTER] to confirm the entry.
6. You have completed entering parameters in this window. To select the
a. Press the [T] key to return to the Format prompt.
b. Then press the [S] key to return to the General tab.
c. Finally, press the [X] key to move to the Measurements tab, and
[ENTER]. The Measurements window appears similar to
Figure 93 on page 138.