In many cases a trip from one place to an-
other involves several course changes, re-
quiring a series of waypoints which you
navigate to, one after another. The se-
quence of waypoints leading to the ultimate
destination is called a route. Your unit can
automatically advance to the next waypoint
on a route, so you do not have to change
the destination waypoint repeatedly.
4.1 Creating a Route
You can store up to 50 routes (numbered
01 to 50) and one LOG route, and each
route may contain up to 30 waypoints. A
route may be constructed four ways: by the
cursor, through the waypoints list, current
position (track-based route) and through the
route menu.
Note: Be sure to record all important routes
in a separate log. This unit is not a fail-safe
record keeping device.
Figure 4-1 Sample route
Creating a route with cursor
This is probably the easiest method by
which to create a route.
1. Use the cursor pad to place the cursor
on position desired. (Cursor position is
shown at the bottom of the screen.)
2. Press the [ENT] key. The following win-
dow appears.
Figure 4-2 Waypoint name entry window
The cursor is on the second line of the
display. This is where you may enter
waypoint name. The number shown is
the youngest empty waypoint number.
If you would rather have the unit
register the waypoint under that num-
ber, and you do not need to change
mark shape or enter a comment,
press the [ENT] key to register the
waypoint and proceed to step 5.
3. If desired, change the waypoint
name.(See page 3-1 for how to enter
waypoint name.) Press the [ENT] key.
Figure 4-3 Waypoint position,
comment entry window
4. If necessary, change waypoint, position,
mark shape, and comment (date and
5. Select the item “LOG RT?” and press
the [ENT] key.
6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 to complete
the route.
7. When you have entered all the waypoint
positions desired, press the [MENU] key
twice, select ROUTES and press the
[ENT] key.